Tuesday, May 25, 2010

RAIN gospel Outreach Mission \ BULGARIA

Donate to end World Hungerwww.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.comDonate to get the gospel to all nations peopleshttp://RainApostolicNetwork.wordpress.com

Monday, May 24, 2010

RAIN Gospel Outreach Mission India

Hear is Dr. Moses, his son and his wife ministering in India. They do open air campaigns, travel to others evangelising, teaching, strenghthening and encouraging. They could do more if we could help them more......Ask the Lord of the Harvest to open more provisional and effective ministry doors for them. As I right their hands are tied by no material means to travel to the other areas where the doors are open. India holds 1/6th of the worlds population in an areaa the size of the State of Texas. There are over 1000 different peoples groups in Indai alone and so many have never even geard that there is a Messiah - a Saviour - a God who cares for even every hair on there head. Why not help spread that message by giving now - today and remebering to pray for the spread of the gospel to India as jesus commanded....

Donate to end World Hunger www.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.comDonate to get the gospel to all nations peopleshttp://RainApostolicNetwork.wordpress.com
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RAIN Apostolic West Palm Beach Florida

Donate to end World Hunger www.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.comDonate to get the gospel to all nations peopleshttp://RainApostolicNetwork.wordpress.com
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Monday, May 17, 2010

Redemption Apostolic Network | Gospel Outreach Haiti | Airport Barbancou...

Donate to end World Hunger... http://www.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.com Donate to get the gospel to all nations peoples... http://RainApostolicNetwork.wordpress.com
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Haiti documentary collage | RAIN Gospel outreach Missions

Donate to end World Hungerwww.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.comDonate to get the gospel to all nations peopleshttp://RainApostolicNetwork.wordpress.com
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be Blessed in Jesus Name! Bishop Thomas http://RedemptionApostolicNetwork.ning.com

Donate to end World Hunger www.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.comDonate to get the gospel to all nations peopleshttp://RainApostolicNetwork.wordpress.com

be Blessed in Jesus Name! Bishop Thomas http://RedemptionApostolicNetwork.ning.com

Donate to end World Hungerwww.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.comDonate to get the gospel to all nations peopleshttp://RainApostolicNetwork.wordpress.com

http://www.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.com it is easy to help feed the hungry - see how you can help haitian mother - many haitians live on $2.00 american or less a day

Donate to end World Hungerwww.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.comDonate to get the gospel to all nations peopleshttp://RainApostolicNetwork.wordpress.com

YouTube / Redemption Apostolic

Donate to end World Hungerwww.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.comDonate to get the gospel to all nations peopleshttp://RainApostolicNetwork.wordpress.com

Kids Against Hunger PBC \ West Palm Beach Florida


Donate to end World Hunger www.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.com Donate to get the gospel to all nations peoples http://RainApostolicNetwork.wordpress.com

Are you ready? VIdeo of the rapture of the church.

Donate to end World Hungerwww.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.comDonate to get the gospel to all nations peopleshttp://RainApostolicNetwork.wordpress.com

Kids Against Hunger PBC

Donate to end World Hunger www.KidsAgainstHungerPBC.comDonate to get the gospel to all nations peopleshttp://RainApostolicNetwork.wordpress.com

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

RAIN APOSTOLIC NETWORK - apostolic preaching the cross - Christ crucified

Donate to end World Hunger
Donate to get the gospel to all nations peoples

Monday, March 15, 2010

Working on new material - a great awakening is coming -- to Awaken the Bride from Her Slumber

A great awakening is coming to awaken the Bride that she get herslf ready for her bridegroom is getting ready to come...

awake to righteousness sin no more....

examing yourselves as to see if you are in the faith

stay awake - watch - pray

so the time of His Coming does not catch you sleeping and so that day come upon you as a thief

Donate to end World Hunger
Donate to get the gospel to all nations peoples